Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Stupid Easy, Now With 20% More Adorableness!

Just when you were thinking to yourself, "Could this blog possibly get any more darling?!" I throw a picture of my dog in the mix. 

We ran out of fancy food for the dog so I decided to make her a fancy dinner myself.  High quality dog food is best, but a home cooked meal for the pooch every once in a while is A-OK.

OK, let's do this

Once in a Blue Moon Dog Food
makes 1 serving for my 42lb terrier mix
total time 4 min

1 T olive oil
1 small handful frozen peas
1 small handful carrots, chopped
1 egg
2 t flax seed meal

Combine all ingredients in a pan and cook until egg is done.  ALLOW TO COOL BEFORE SERVING.  You are so talented - even your dog thinks so.